Friday, 15 July 2011

Shipping the bike

Monday 11/07/2011 : Ipswich UK

Today is officially the first leg of the trip, 70 miles from London to Ipswich......Ok, nothing exciting you might say, except for the fact that I run on empty tank for most of the journey.
Of course there were plenty of petrol stations on the way, however I wanted to achieve 2 objectives: I was told I had to deliver the bike completely dry of petrol and I also wanted to test how many miles I could cover with the reserve. I can safely say that the bike covers at least 50 miles once the reserve light goes on. Quite useful information for the long rides in Patagonia.
I went to Ipswich to get the bike crated and ready for shipping. The company in charge is Dooley Rumble.
Mark Foster (ph 01473 835100) who met me at the premises in Great Blakenham was very professional and even gave me a ride back to the Ipswich train station.
It took them 6 hrs to crate the bike and I think the £400 spent was really worth it. I simply didn't want to take a chance.